If you have been living under the rock and don’t have much idea about the varying prospects of digital marketing in general, it is going to be tough for you to know about the topic we are discussing though. For anyone entering to the affiliate marketing and making money from home industry, Wealthy Affiliate and Affilorama are two of the biggest affiliate marketing training and execution platforms available around the web today.

Given the neck to neck competition between the two, it is often hard to deduce which one is the best option for the market as of now.

If you have been trying to get yourself into the field of affiliate marketing, the best way to do so is by knowing which out of these two will be a better option to opt for.

As to address the disclaimers around, we have tried both of the programs associated with these and have found some pros and cons of both.

In order to help you choose better, we have accumulated all the necessary information and presented the comparison and honest opinion on which is a better option and why.

Both of the platforms do come with the fair share of ups and downs, but there are chances that it is up to you to decide which one will work the best for you depending on your requirements altogether.

Let’s go over the founders and History first.

Founders and History

Before starting off with the list of comparisons to deduce which one is a better option, we are going to walk you through the founders of each of these marketing programs.

Often times, as someone in the marketing field, it is very important to look into who the owners of the program are. Once you know about the same, it does become a lot easier for you to decide whether the training platform is worth the time and money, or not.

Both of these programs have been around for over 10 years now and have thrived through and through and all for the right reasons.

That is one of the main reasons why people prefer using them and not just the other affiliate marketing training programs that are often available for an even cheaper price.


Starting off with Affilorama, the program has been founded by Mark Ling, who is a very experienced New Zealand based affiliate marketer. He has been in the field of profitable marketing businesses since 1999.

He launched Affilorama in 2006 and has now expanded the same to over 300,000 members, leads and an overall team of over 29 members. He is also a very popular Internet marketer who is known for knowing his work and guiding people in the correct direction.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has been co-founded by Kyle Loudin and Carson Lim.

They released this specific affiliate program back in 2005 and currently has over 800,000 members in their connection.

Apart from this affiliate marketing platform, both of them are known for being co-founders to Jaaxy.com as well which is one of the most popular keyword tools on the internet.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Both of them together came up with the idea and then executed them for overall amazing results that are thriving in today’s life now.

Let’s go over with the pricing

The pricing

Next on the list of discussion is the pricing of both these platforms. Before we delve into the differences, it is best suggested we walk ourselves through some similarities that they have.

Both of the platforms have a FREE subscription option. Additionally, they also don’t have any kind of limited trial period which ensures that you are open to enjoy the free membership without any kind of additional charges.

Next, both Affilorama, and Wealthy Affiliate, have a 7-day premium membership trial, which helps you get a hang of what you are going to get if you avail the premium membership.

The only difference between these two is the pricing.

For Affilorama, you can get your first month’s free premium membership for just $14 which is just a mere $1 for Wealthy Affiliate.

Coming on to the noticeable differences in terms of the price range, the Wealthy Affiliate charges around $49 a month or $359 per year which is pretty amazing for a deal.

On the other hand, the Affilorama costs around $69 for a month’s subscription and there is no significant yearly subscription. They sure do have a 3-year subscription plan which is priced at $497; however, the most believe that the 3-year commitment is bit too much to ask from someone at this just want to touch the waters. In order to get the latter, it is also very important that you consult the Affilorama support who is available 24×7.

Let’s go over the features now.

The features

Next on the list of comparison comes down to the prospect of training and how both of them live up to the same.

As mentioned in the brief before, both of them come with free and premium training. But, even then, there are quite a few differences that you are possibly not that aware of.

Let us talk about them in turns, shall we?

Free training

Wealthy Affiliate provides its members with 10 lessons who are subscribed under the free membership. These lessons predominantly span across the explanations regarding the prospects of how money is made online, how to create a niche website, how to introduce to the affiliate marketing and creating your whole new website with all the plugins and the necessities involved.

Affilorama, on the other hand, helps you get a free training program that provides with 8 distinct lessons. They also provide with written notes alongside the videos and focus primarily around the prospects of affiliate marketing. They cover and touch all bases relating to the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and SEO, PPC, email marketing, domain set, and hosting.

In the free training section, Affilorama is believed to be the better option in comparison to Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Premium training

When it comes to the premium training prospects, the Wealthy Affiliate is often times a better option in comparison to the Affilorama. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that Affilorama doesn’t have a lot to offer because it doesn’t get updated on a daily basis.

The Wealthy Affiliate premium membership allows you to have access to everything that you will possibly need when it comes down to the growth and development of your online business. They offer over 50 affiliate marketing lessons in depth to help you through the process effectively. The best part of this is the fact that you get to learn something new on a daily basis as it updates daily.

This is not something that you do readily get with the other program because they lack that kind of extensive exposure to the wide range of affiliate programs around.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Quality of the training

Coming on to the main point of discussion which is the training itself. Majority of the people have either tried one or none at all and some have tried both Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate.

The common thing about the two is the fact that both of this affiliate training program is set to help you learn the same tactic for online business. Their main objective is to make you understand the ways in which you can make money through this and even strive yourself well and good through and through.


Before we jump into talking about how the training and the program is, it is the first time to discuss the training classes and services that are going to be available with Affilorama.

Some of them include:

  • Discover affiliate marketing – 9 lessons
  • Market Research for Affiliate Marketers – 8 video lessons
  • Content Creation – 9 video lessons
  • Site Building – 19 video lessons
  • Marketing ideas – 22 video lessons
  • SEO (search engine optimization) 11 video lessons
  • PPC (pay per click advertising) 12 video lessons
  • Affiliate Outsourcing – 3 video lessons

If learned and done correctly, each one of these does have the capabilities of getting rid of the problem of understanding the digital media.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

The training through with this has been believed to be not worth it at all depending on the fact that it is targeted more towards the beginners. If you are just starting out in this field and need an overall better suggestion, you can definitely do better. However, by just with this level of training if you would manage to earn a fulltime income is questionable.

The training program is believed to be a little haphazard, which is one of the primary reasons why to tend to not be fat of the same.

Wealthy affiliate

Next on the topic of discussion comes down to the Wealthy Affiliate marketing and what it took to get to where are now.

The majority of the people prefer Wealthy Affiliate more mainly because of how easy and well taught each of the lessons are.

This is also amazing for beginners because of how well the lessons are broken down and explained to the students for easy understanding and retention.

They have a very systematic and step by step approach which has been found very fruitful for not only for people who are just starting out with affiliate marketing.

In each lesson, there is not just a written tutorial, but you also get a video from Kyle explaining things through for better understanding.

Additionally, there are several questions and answer sections in the course which further helps make the entire learning process a lot more interactive.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

The best part of the course and the training session is the fact that each of the lessons succeeds from the prior lesson, thus making it easier for you to connect and progress through.

And, lastly, to ensure that you have understood the lesson, each one of them comes with an actionable task that you need to complete before you can move on to the next one. What this does is ensure that you are not just learning but actually being able to implement the same through and through.

The online certification course under this comes in 5 levels, helping you understand the basics to the advanced level about affiliate marketing, thus making the process a lot more value for money for the people learning.

Let’s focus on Support.

The Support

Given the fact that learning the affiliate program under both, these are not that cheap, you will always want to incline towards the one that will provide with a better answer through and through.

The best way to understand the effectiveness of their services is by looking at their support.

Let us take a look at both of the support provided by Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate.


Affilorama does have support which is available round the clock. Given the fact that the course is based online, if you are stuck anywhere, you definitely want to indulge in ways that will help you where you are stuck through.

Some of the support helpline options that they have to include:

  • Call Support
  • E-mail support
  • Forum support (from the fellow Affilorama users)

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Wealthy Affiliate

When it comes to Wealthy Affiliate and its support, it does surpass the prior competitor.

Much like its amazing range of lessons under the training program, it also does have quite a lot of support options to help their users through, in case they are stuck somewhere with a problem.

Some of the best support helpline options that they have to include:

  • 24×7 live chat
  • 24×7 technical support
  • Ability to private message experienced members for help
  • Discussing areas under each training section
  • Options to contact the owners of the program privately for getting access to direct help

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Let’s focus on tools and resources.

The tools and resources

Yet another one of the important points of discussion definitely has to be about the tools and resources under both of these affiliate programs.

Having better access to the tools and the resources both during and after the lessons is quite important to get you through the process of learning in an effective way.


Much like its lack of support and such, Affilorama does lack the necessary details and requirements when it comes to tools and resources too. It doesn’t mean that it completely lacks everything across because it doesn’t.

There are two distinct tools and resources that are available under this specific affiliate program that does come in handy through and through.


The very first tool that they have provided their members with is the AffiloTools. This is an analytical tool which helps in measuring how your website is performing through and through after the implementation of the affiliate program. It gives results aligned with the search engine results and social media analytics too.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

Web hosting

The next resource that you get with this is the prospect of limited web hosting. This allows the hosting of up to 15 websites up till a certain size. The only downside in this is the fact that you need to buy your domain from somewhere else.

Just as mentioned before, the tools and resources are not that extensive at all which does make it hard for people to assess the analytics and the growth altogether.

Wealthy Affiliate

The Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, does provide with important and very useful tools for the members.

If you want complete access to these tools and resources, it is best suggested that you enrol under their training program as a Premium Member.

Some of the amazing tools and resources that you get under this include:

  • SiteRubix Web Builder which comes with a plethora of WordPress themes for you to choose from
  • Provides with the state of the art unlimited hosting bandwidth for up till 50 websites
  • Provides with amazing encryption and protection for each of the website involved for optimal exposure
  • Provides with daily website backups
  • Provides with a very potent keyword research tool, Jaaxy.Com
  • Provides with a website health checker
  • Provides with website feedback
  • Website Comments platform for you to earn money
  • Provides with tools that help you keep a track on the site speed
  • Provides with beneficial and potent tracking tools as well

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Everything One Needs To Know

The best thing about the Wealthy Affiliate (unlike Affilorama) is the fact that you don’t need different upsells through and through and this is mainly because of the fact that you get everything at your fingertips altogether.

As you proceed along with your training course, you can easily keep track of the progress for your website, secure everything and even optimize it based around on the search engine optimization. This is also why the majority of people prefer the Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate vs. Affilorama Review – Final verdict

Given the comparative study and analysis through and through for both Wealthy Affiliate and Affilorama, it can be safely concluded that the first one does stand out of the crowd.

If you want to get a value for money experience with an overall prospect of amazing training by experienced professionals in this field, Wealthy Affiliate is the one.

That doesn’t mean that Affilorama doesn’t have good lessons, it is just that Wealthy Affiliate beats it with its available options.

If you have been looking for a good training program to learn the basics and the advanced levels about affiliate marketing, the Wealthy Affiliate will definitely be a personal suggestion from our side.

The combination of the incredible features, support and interactive lessons do make them one of the best options in the market as of now. Still, then, navigate through the options and see which one fits your bill better.