Here we review OnTheHouse to confirm – Is Accurate? This OnTheHouse Review will confirm if you should rely on the platform when making important decisions related to your property investment journey.

In other words, is OnTheHouse’s property value estimates, sales records, and other information accurate and reliable?

Let’s find answers to all of those and more in this article…

Understanding one’s property is essential to ensure that one gets the best value out of it. Similarly, in real estate property investment, the property one plans on investing in should have enough value to maximize the profitable return.

Australian real estate property investment is on the rise as we proceed forward. With a predicted rise of 16% in housing prices, this is one of the top markets to invest in.

However, to make efficient decisions, it is important to get the right guidance and base your decisions on accurate information. This is what OnTheHouse has set as its mission, providing support concerning all an individual’s real estate property search and research needs.

But, Is Accurate?

Let’s find out what OnTheHouse first…

What is The OnTheHouse?

Looking at what OnTheHouse is, they are a premium real estate data, research and advisory company that offers several services related to real estate property investment.

Not only do they understand the property, but they also help one with a property valuation that helps in comparison and complete decision-making concerning an individual’s property.

When one understands their property, they can work more efficiently in using it as a means of wealth creation. This is what OnTheHouse provides – a means to create wealth in the best possible way.

Not only this, but through top industry experts who have worked for several years in the real estate property management and investment industry, OnTheHouse enables their clients to get in-depth knowledge about the real estate property market. This makes market research much easier than previously.

Moreover, it also provides a source of extensive research, ideologies, and methodologies that should be employed in order to guarantee the best positive rate of return on investment. This is because one is able to sell their property or buy a new one at the lowest possible rate considering the outreach and expansive network of OnTheHouse.

Services Offered By OnTheHouse

There are several services offered by OnTheHouse that make it a good choice all over Australia when its comes to property research and historical data.

1. Property Valuations

One of the core services they offer that differentiate them from other real estate advisory online platforms is that they provide a valuation of one’s house or property.

This helps one better understand their property and thus make logical decisions with regard to, buying, selling or renting it out. It also shows forth the current market condition and where it stands.

2. Market Research

On the other hand, OnTheHouse also helps one in performing proper market research.

This organization appeared to have a team that is highly skilled and knowledgeable in terms of the real estate property market and understands the strategies that need to be employed in order to get the best return on investment.

OnTheHouse can therefore enable one towards making the ideal decision with regard to real estate property investment, selling, or management, keeping in mind all the facts and figures achieved through proper market research.

3. Buy a House

Furthering this, OnTheHouse is also the ideal real estate property company to go to when one is looking for a house. They possess enough data and research to help any single person find their ideal home that caters to all their requirements and needs.

The team at OnTheHouse understands and notes down all the essential things asked for and thus helps one search for and purchase the exact property that they are looking for in terms of facilities, location, and everything else.

This also makes them a top choice, considering they fulfill all the basic necessities of their clients at all times.

4. Investment Advice

Not only this, but OnTheHouse is also responsible enough for getting one an agent for guidance through all steps when they are investing in or purchasing a real estate property from the market.

They have highly trained professionals who have gone through this process several times to make it much more seamless for their clients. Whether it is the due diligence or even the paperwork that needs to be completed to help one avoid legality issues, OnTheHouse has experts who are capable enough to solve all the issues in these regard.

Hence, making them an efficient choice in terms of being one of the finest real estate property investment advisory agencies.

5. Home Loan Support

Moreover, when one works with OnTheHouse, one can avoid taking stress at all times in deciding how one can finance their purchase. OnTheHouse aids them in this sense by helping in getting home loans.

OnTheHouse has a vast and expansive social network. This comprises potential investors who are willing to give out loans for property purchasing. Therefore, those who are looking for loans or a means of finance do not need to worry about losing their dream house, considering OnTheHouse can connect them with investors who will be willing to lend out this money at reasonable interest rates.

6. Support for Sellers

In addition to this, OnTheHouse also allows their clients to buy and sell properties on-site and has even managed to launch an app for this purpose.

Sellers can simply upload the necessary details regarding the property available in the market, and the potential buyers can get their deal done on the website as well.

Not only this, but OnTheHouse also shows all the currently sold properties on the website so that buyers can look into details regarding the type of properties available at OnTheHouse.

Along with this, it also creates a sense of trust and reliability when one understands and sees that OnTheHouse has sold properties beforehand as well. This eliminates the basic fear of OnTheHouse being a fraudulent company and gets more clients on board with the whole idea of real estate property investment.

Why Should One Choose OnTheHouse?

Having been in the market for more than 10 years, OnTheHouse has managed to establish itself as one of the best real estate property investment advisory and research platforms in Australia.

Offering a multitude and variety of unique services all related to real estate property, they have top industry experts working with them in the company that is responsible for providing the best advice and guidance to all the clients that come to OnTheHouse.

Furthering this, keeping in mind that OnTheHouse has served several clients over the years, it is essential to consider this. Therefore, this experience speaks far beyond anything. Making OnTheHouse one of the top choices for all real estate property advisory needs.

Not only this, but the client and customer support that OnTheHouse aims to provide is also an essential aspect of why one should choose them as their premium real estate property investment and advisory platform.

They also have a policy of zero cost, and zero commission which enables buyers and sellers to conduct transactions for free.

Pros Of Working With OnTheHouse – The Strength

When individual works with real estate advisory companies such as OnTheHouse many advantages should be kept in the notice.

These include the following:

1. Professionalism

The team at OnTheHouse is prompt and efficient in terms of being highly communicative throughout the entire process, which creates a sense of belonging and understanding for the client.

When client is aware of whatever is going on with their finances and property, they are able to stay stress-free.

In terms of this effective communication, OnTheHouse is highly professional and available.

2. Seamless Online Platform

OnTheHouse has put forth an easy and accessible website that makes the process of buying and selling seamless.

Clients and customers can avoid further troubles of having to contact different support teams because the website is user-friendly and easily understandable. Making the experience simple and, therefore, retaining clients.

3. Expertise and Knowledge

Whenever one needs to make any sort of financial decision, it is best to take advice from the experts.

In this regard, OnTheHouse has a team of trained professionals who offer top-quality physical services due to the extensive experience and skills that they have managed to possess through training and market analysis.

This knowledge benefits the client in making the right decision for the property at hand.

4. Resourceful With a Focus On Quality

Considering a large number of growing clients, it is important to have a team that can cater to all of these clients and customers.

Keeping this aspect in key consideration, OnTheHouse has a large team of experts that can handle the constant inflow of clients with ease without compromising on the quality of service provided to existing clients and customers.

5. Paperwork Support

Not only this, but OnTheHouse also has a team specifically dedicated to paperwork.

The team has a mission to ease out their client’s investment or selling process, and so they also help one throughout the entire process of dealing with paperwork and more.

Cons Of Working With OnTheHouse

Like all working firms, OnTheHouse also has its set of drawbacks that can lead to individuals choosing an alternative company that better suits their needs.

These drawbacks include the following:

1. Inaccurate Information and Data

Considering OnTheHouse has an automated system of calculating the values of the property at hand, there are times when this information regarding property valuation is inaccurate.

This may cause hassles and issues in the long-run when a potential buyer comes to look at the property and ends up contradicting with the price rates issues by the automated system of OnTheHouse.

This could easily create chaos and miscommunication.

2. Unreliability

Similarly, the algorithm makes the availability of information unreliable.

Inaccurate information creates a sense of distrust which can further deteriorate and negatively affect the potential deals that would have taken place. Therefore, the prices as shown on the website of OnTheHouse should be carefully criticized.

Moreover, the buyer should directly confirm pricing from the seller as well as a backup from other platforms such as Realestate and Domain.

3. Their Advice is General Only

Keeping in mind this complex algorithm, at OnTheHouse, there is a lack of people who truly understand the algorithm of the website.

This creates confusion as the majority of the employees are not able to guide customers and clients according to their needs.

Due to this, clients and customers may question the customer service, and potential customers may be lost for OnTheHouse.

Other Alternatives To OnTheHouse

Having understood and recognized the cons of working with OnTheHouse, there are bound to be individuals who need services that this company lacks in providing.

For these reasons, there are several alternative companies to OnTheHouse that one can refer to in terms of finding the best suited real estate property advisory company for them.

1. Realestate

Realestate. Com. Au is one of the most popular sites in Australia, owned by REA Group.

2. Domain

3. Homely

One of the other substitutes that come to mind when we think about real estate is Homely.

They too have a highly professional and efficient team of experts who have enough market knowledge to make capable decisions with regard to property investment.

With in-field experience, these experts understand the real estate property market of Australia in-depth and can thus provide the necessary guidance. Moreover, at Homely, they too have the opportunity of buying and selling on the website.

This creates it easy for the customers and clients to seamlessly conduct transactions without any hassle.

4. PropertyValue

On the other hand, another prime alternative to OnTheHouse is Property Value.

This company works on a similar method as OnTheHouse but offers a much more diverse range of properties available. Property Value also offers property valuation and enables buying and selling on the website.

However, they are a subscription service, unlike OnTheHouse and work on commission-based work overtime.

Comprising industry professionals and highly skilled individuals who understand the real estate property market in detail, they can help you make the right decision as to which property you can purchase to live in. However, one thing that they do not offer is wealth creation through property investment.


To sum up, all that has been stated above, in conclusion, OnTheHouse is a real estate property investment and management data, research and advisory company that deserves a rating of a minimum of 4 out of 5.

Considering their top-notch services and the level of client retention and satisfaction they provide, they have the potential of becoming the number 1 real estate property advisory company in the entirety of Australia.

Despite the faults, glitches and inaccuracies in the algorithm, OnTheHouse has managed to achieve a multitude of successes in just a span of over 10 years. Therefore, making it obvious that the company is bound to only further its expansion in the future.

And hence, justifying the rating of 4 out of 5 in total.