This article aims to provide a detailed insight review of the Real Estate Investar Software by Real Estate Investar Australia Pty Ltd (PropTech Group) available on the Internet at The aim is to answer, Does Real Estate Investar Software Help Property Investors? so we guide our property investors and developers.

In our modern times, we need different platforms to provide us with guidance during an investment strategy or purchase real estate properties. Property investment software such as Real Estate Investar and PriceFinder offer a more complex environment than most of us initially expect them to be.

These platforms provide diverse opportunities. The positives and negatives users only realise when they start the use of them, however. These programs can present an overly complex software environment, but here in this article, I attempt to focus on the highlights during the use of the Real Estate Investar program.

The QLD-based Real Estate Investar (REI) provides an online technology program focused on the property industry. The company allows investors or property buyers to gain access to different support, learning programs, wealth creation opportunities and products related to property investment businesses.

This article also provides an insightful summary of the key products, namely Real Estate Investar Software, Corelogic RP Data and PriceFinder. It becomes important to verify these diverse platforms against the needs of the investor and the profile the person aims to develop. The article focuses on Investar Software but attempts to provide a comparison with alternative products available on the market, such as CoreLogic RP Data and PriceFinder.

Let’s see what Real Estate Investar software or online tool offers to the real estate investor more in detail.

What is Real Estate Investar Software or Online Tool?

Real Estate Investar helps many Australians who need help with finding the most appropriate investment properties. Also, it assists in analysing or tracking your investment during the use of the Investar website and process.

The tracking process allows a person to gain an in-depth understanding of the real estate market, your competition, and possibilities during the use of the program.

The system comprises diverse data, information and analytical tools to assist property investors with making the correct decisions and allowing for sound financial decisions.

The Cost of Real Estate Investar Software

Individuals interested in the property market can pay a premium membership by contributing $149 monthly to gain access to diverse website tools. This option also provides access to a 12-month contract with a 25% discount.

Also, individuals can enrol for a $99 over a 24-month contract or $248 per month with no signed contract needed. The no-signed contract can become an expensive option, but it relies on user needs and requirements especially if you are a seasonal investor.

Property investors can upgrade the premium to the pro membership component discussed in the section below. An initial free version allows interested people to receive the first peak in the program and create an initial insight into the platform.

Real Estate Investar Premium Membership

Sometimes individuals prefer to focus on their own property investment interpretations and, with an additional fee, one can upgrade to a Professional or Advanced Membership. The upgrade provides additional support people can use to grow their investment online.

Investors normally ask what added features may one receive by upgrading and the program allows for the following key tasks:

  • Automate the search for investment properties without looking around at diverse websites such as,, or It provides a time-saving opportunity.
  • Teach yourself diverse strategies and fundamental principles of property investment and development. The membership allows for beginners to more advanced users to develop an insight into the property market an investor wants to break into.
  • Increase the quality of your portfolio by becoming more public and showcase the great work your company or you developed during the years. The membership presents an investor with the opportunity to build a career in property investment.
  • Undertake your own property evaluation without having to ask an external person to start the process. The valuation process gains important access to any investor or developer who wants to progress their interest in property development.
  • Research and analyse different property trends evident in the area that informs your decision if you want to purchase/sell or not.
  • Track your property portfolio
    performance in terms of interests from other investors, current or prospective clients. The portfolio developer seems to gain excessive attraction by many individuals who took part in the program.

The plan provides an extensive opportunity to receive firsthand data, listings and knowledge of available properties in your area of focus. The diverse statistical information allows an investor to compare the social, financial and economic trends associated with a location. It allows for an informed decision during property investments.

The status of the economy plays a key role in developing an understanding of the property market. Therefore, it becomes important to gain access to many financial and economic predictions to assist with your decision-making procedures.

The statistical analysis supports the investor to determine the risks associated with the known properties. They may associate these risks with the property itself, internal or external factors. Property Investors can also use alternative analytical tools, mostly focused on reporting or statistical examinations.

The paragraphs below aim to provide a comparison between the Real Estate Investar and CoreLogic RP Data platforms. The CoreLogic RP seems to provide more of a reporting or support tool, but let us see what the next chapter says.

Real Estate Investar vs. CoreLogic RP Data Comparison

Real Estate Investar

The Real Estate Investar platform provides a core focus on general property investors and embeds the service on the reasons for making investments. The data presented on the platform collected from diverse websites allow for trustworthy and verified access to relevant property-related information.

Some data comes from the Australian Property Monitors data that ensures up-to-date information required to make an investment.

A significant component of the Real Estate Investar platform relies on the provision of easy access and “in one go” to property data required for investment purposes. This means that an investor does not necessarily need to make use of diverse websites to reach the information required.

Real Investar focuses on the use of assorted keywords to guide the user in the direction they need to go. The keywords link with typically and known property domains that make use of the program significantly easier.

The platform provides in-depth detail in terms of council planning, application procedures and insight information regarding the future layout of new developments. The platform offers easy and straightforward access to the website, with an initial free version also available.

In the next few paragraphs, the article aims to provide an overview of the CoreLogic RP Data approach and the key factors the program presents.

CoreLogic RP Data

Using CoreLogic RP Data and Real Investar presents an integrated approach but with unique differences. Let us see what the CoreLogic RP Data fundamentals present.

CoreLogic RP Data provides the means to gain access to online property data, develop your own reports, and prepare valuations. RP Data presents the forefront in property data collection and interpretation in Australia. Investors can easily prepare diverse market reports for their clients or their own development opportunities.

One can easily develop value estimates, engage in targeted marketing, or verify data in hand. The CoreLogic RP Data starts at $139 per month.

The platform provides access to the local market dynamics, an opportunity to undertake online research and drill down to the street, suburb or stand-alone address level. Any investor needs to understand the recent property values, several sales and require methods to compare with neighbouring properties.

The property investor requires insight into property types available, the comparison between places for sale or rent, historical sales, ownership data and land sizes. The relevant data becomes intrinsically important to develop a forecast of your future investment types.

The following platform linked to Real Estate Investar relates to PriceFinder with a different approach. Property investment successes rely significantly on research methods, and these programs assist an individual in receiving success by following the correct processes.

Real Estate Investar vs. PriceFinder Comparison

Real Estate Investar aims to provide a tool to plan your investment, educate yourself in the field and make future assumptions.


Compared to Real Estate Investar, the PriceFinder option provides access to the following:

  • Data associated with media institutions that present the ability to provide informed information to guide the property developer.
  • Clients who may present an interest to sell their properties or take part in an investment partnership.
  • Real estate agents who may cooperate with the investor, provide insightful information or develop necessary partnerships.
  • List of Government departments that provide insight into the list of legal expectations required to develop a property, access to building environment application forms, description of permitting required, official architects and other specialists they work with.
  • Operating banks that provide the basis of providing help in terms of loans and other investment opportunities.
  • List of property developers in the area the investors operate within. It provides access to contact details, types of property developers and their focus areas.

PriceFinder affiliates with key names in the property area that allows the investor to identify and find the most relevant data required to make a sound financial investment. Some names refer to Commercial Real Estate and well-known financial review papers located in Australia.

The platform bases its program on data collection and management from a wide variety of mapping resources, property specialists, or databases across the country. The collection of data comes from privately owned or publicly collected information made available for use.

The databases developed over many years allow investors to gain access to historical and more recent property information.

PriceFinder also presents a property report with detailed information related to the following data sets:

  • The map is linked for shared use.

This component becomes critical to identify the exact location where a person wants to invest or buy.

  • Maps connected to Google Earth with a street view that allows for an overview of the site location, the commercial centres in the area, the neighbourhood layouts, hotspot areas and other factors required to decide.
  • Additional information related to the local authority and details.

This becomes important if an investor needs to find the government authorities they need to see. It also provides insight into the territorial borders and administrative factors to take into account.

  • Information focused on properties sold.

The historical data becomes significant to understand and reach a pattern understanding of developments sold in the area.

  • Links to diverse photographs where permitted provides an insight into the property views and layouts.
  • Property characteristics are associated with size, number of rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms and any luxuries.

The layout of the property reports consists of the following:

  • Diverse smart graphs or statistical charts allow for in-depth analyses of information and the presentation thereof when required.
  • Property description regarding the land outlay, lot number and type of occupancy becomes important to understand the land use of the surrounding landscapes or neighbouring properties.
  • Relevant property ownership information is available.
  • Any rental or selling history is required by the investor to determine the property history associated with the environment.
  • Historical information was received from the local council responsible for the valuation of the property.
  • Any financial information available related to the property.

Also, PriceFinder provides an opportunity to gain access to the following data:

  • The school hot spot areas provide insightful information regarding the popularity of the property environment or the attraction characteristics.
  • Property survey information in terms of size, layout, access roads and other services required.
  • Aerial photography presenting an overview of the property layouts.
  • Sales planned for properties provide insightful information regarding the popularity of the city, town, or region.
  • Access to property titles and ownership statuses.
  • Estimate calculators to assist property valuers with their calculations or estimates for future sales.

Real Estate Investar Review Rating

The Real Estate Investar receives a 4 out of 5 for the different reasons listed below.

The review aims to provide a high-level understanding of the product quality and creativity experienced by customers in the property market. The components highlighted targeted key steps required by investors to make sound financial decisions.

Pros of Real Estate Investar

The Real Estate Investar presents the following positive components much needed by a property developer or investor:

  • Easy to use access to different research tools.
  • Interested investors can gain rapid access to the online tool.
  • The platform provides an opportunity to quickly gain insight into the property markets and the variables at play.
  • The data provides access to property analyses when required.
  • It allows a self-starter to enrol and become known to the property market.
  • The platform focuses on key aspects related to the “investar” search option that reduces your ability to find the property you want.
  • The “development” search provides an opportunity to help find a newly developed property.

The options relate to properties that a person can purchase within a brand-new housing complex or the typical off-plan opportunities.

  • The “value” option assists you in making an analysis of the property and calculating the valuation.
  • It can also assist with a financial understanding of the investment status by using the “property analyser”.
  • “The portfolio tracker” allows a person to track progress after the purchase of the development or building. Tracking progress becomes significant when attempting to define the progress made focused on a project or marketing principles.
  • Access to an online accounting platform for ease of use.

Cons of Real Estate Investar

The negatives during the use of the Real Estate Investar relate to the following:

  • The platform can become overwhelming, especially during the start of the program used.

It may take some time to develop a real understanding of the different search and analytical tools available for use.

  • The diverse linkages to other websites may create some frustrations.
  • The program relies on secondary data and, if not updated, one might make incorrect assumptions. Especially when new in the game.
  • Start-up companies may find it difficult to cope with the initial registration costs.


In summary, Real Estate Investar provides an opportunity to start-up or advanced property investors to take part online in the development of their investment portfolio. It allows an opportunity to register online, gain access to diverse tools needed to operate within the property investment market.

Also, investors can use diverse search tools, calculators, maps, estimators, valuers and real data to develop their own projects. The Real Estate Investar platform offers a well-structured approach to reach accessibility to investment planning.

Finally, alternative tools online available can assist with reporting or feeding additional information required to make a well-structured decision—the types of information relating to property types, legal requirements, financial or ownership backgrounds.

The product seems to provide easy access but can present a costly exercise, especially for the beginner. Although the program presents a well-designed platform, it can present an overwhelming approach. Investors can make use of online support provided by all programs mentioned in this article.

The Real Estate Investar allows Australians to expand their property skills and create the property market profiles they require. An initial free registration may provide the investor with an opportunity to first explore before formal use of the program. As with many programs, potential users should allow time for learning and practice opportunities during the use of diverse platform tools.