Have you ever wondered what is the key to success in a real estate career? Some say it is not always what you know, but who you know. Or who you learn from. And, Mark Rolton is definitely one of the individuals you want to have in your team and worth knowing.

In this Property Options by Mark Rolton course review, you will find out why this course has become such a huge success. Moreover, it will reveal whether it can really help you achieve the financial freedom that you are dreaming of and how. And, of course, about all the pitfalls about the property ‘guru’s’ program. And, is Mark Rolton a Scammer?

Surely, anyone would like to earn a six or seven-figure income within ten years from now from the property — ideally, a passive income. And by investing as little as possible, while generating no debts or bank financing. It does sound like a dream come true, doesn’t it? Well, Mark Rolton claims it is all possible. Through his course, he promises to deliver the perfect recipe for financial success through property options.

But how is it possible? Let’s take it to step by step as follows.

Who Is Mark Rolton?

Having grown up in Logan in Queensland, Australia, Mark Rolton disliked the traditional educational system and soon left it to become a qualified builder. Shortly afterwards, he started his own building business and began project managing a range of real estate projects.

However, things did not go as well as expected for him. At only 23 years of age, he found himself in a situation where he owed more than $400,000 to creditors and the tax office. He had to take a job as a window cleaner just to attempt to pay off his debts.

The future did not look bright for young Mark, wouldn’t you agree?

Despite all these, Mark Rolton proved to be a real winner. Presently, he is the CEO of a property option company named Massland Group that earns in excess of $160 million.

Having become a millionaire by the age of 30, he is also an active member of society, helping homeless people in Australia, an iron man, triathlete, adventure racer, as well as a happy husband and father.

That’s Mark Rolton’s ‘pitch’ in short.

What Is Massland?

Mark Rolton is the person who founded Massland Group Pty. Ltd in 2005. At present, the company is likely to be one of the fastest-growing organizations in the country for ‘Property Options’, having a remarkable property and real estate portfolio.

The company also claims to deliver the perfect recipe for financial success by teaching Australians how to profit from property investing. This is done through the educational courses that comprise simple property investing and optioning strategies that should lead to an impressive income.

What Is the Property Option Method?

Massland states it is the leading organisation in Australia for ‘property options’ and it can teach individuals of this extremely efficient and profitable property investing approach. The core principle of this method is getting involved with property options.

A property option is a contract concluded between a landowner and a developer that enables the company (in this case, Massland) to stake the final development profits with you. This is all possible by offering you a greater price for the initial asset where the purchase settlement will take place after at least 6 months.

Since the owner and the developer agree to exchange land for a set price at a certain time, the owner can get a higher price for their asset.

At the same time, after setting up all the necessary authorisations from the local authorities for land division, the value of the property will most likely go up. This how the developer can offer the seller a premium price.

Afterwards, the property is sold according to the initial contract, and the building can start on it.

The Property Option allows the developer to purchase the property if only the property has a great potential for development once the local council approves the development proposal.

However, like any other methodology, the property options also has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s find out what are they.

Tip: Here is a 8 Step Guide to Land Divisions, and a Guide to Safer Start in Real Estate Developments.

Pros of the Property Option Method

Among the benefits of the property options method, the most important ones are:

  • Lower investment prices compared to traditional real estate investment. This means this type of investment is available to the average person, as opposed to traditional real estate investing, which is usually reserved for the rich. In other words, you do not need huge capital investment or money in the bank to be successful through property options.
  • High-income potential, if the property value is greatly increased. This way, you can earn a six or seven-figure income and be free of the nine to five office routine.
  • Lower volatility compared to stock market options or conventional real estate strategies. Real estate proves to be less volatile than stocks; therefore, it is considered a safer investment, leaving you more likely to achieve your financial goals.

Cons of the Property Option Method

As with all things in life, the property option method does have certain downsides. Some of these are:

  • The need to add a lawyer’s fees when putting together the options contract. Property option agreements are fairly complex; therefore, it is imperative to have an attorney have a look at them in order to protect your best interest.
  • A real estate market crash anytime. However, the ‘experts’ notice a rise in the Australian property market prices steadily over the decades. Besides, do you want to get involved when the market is up, or down? Well, given property development through options are short-term projects, there is a possibility that your initial calculation to go wrong in the short-term, which is a risk.
  • Usually, a longer time frame (up to several years) for earning your income compared to other means of investment. While you are guaranteed in the success in the long-term, there is nothing guaranteed in the property in the short-term.

Tip: Here is a Guide to Land Divisions, and a Guide to Safer Start in Real Estate Developments.

Property Options by Mark Rolton Course Review

Mark Rolton proposes a course that should teach anybody, from average mums to CEOs, to greatly benefit from the property option system. The course has been ongoing since 2010, and it has presumably created over 40 millionaires.

The Property Options course by Mark Rolton promises to deliver a strategy by which anyone can learn to greatly profit from ‘property options’ type of investing and developing. Being a passionate and charismatic speaker, Mark addresses to those who earn a considerable income from property developments and investments too, while the course targets those who want to join the ride with no much capital.

The course is held throughout Australia, and it is organized in three days. During this time, attendants will learn:

  • The most important aspects of cash flow. This implies the cash fundamentals in property options, blending strategies, and utilizing the simplest principles of residential property options.
  • How to build a portfolio. It includes the automatic acquisition plan, how to save money on taxes, and how to quickly generate a cash income.
  • How to become a peak performer. This part contains learning how to negotiate, how to do your research online, the main control aspects, and others.

Even though Mark himself will not be there to mentor you during your deal attempts personally, the staff at Massland anticipate providing you assistance. However, since Mark is such an enthusiastic speaker, this could be the right course if you are determined to learn, apply, and do all the hard work.

J.V. with Mark Rolton (Massland’s National Joint Venture Network)

Massland’s National J.V. (joint venture) Network is an invitation to partnership in the search for great return on investment (ROI) ‘property option’ opportunities Australia-wide.

By definition, a joint venture is a business partnership between two or several parties who agree to share their investment responsibilities to reach a certain task. It could be either a new project or any kind of business endeavor.

Massland invites, therefore, the select teams that have additional means and talents to partner with it in joint ventures so that the network is further expanded in the search for the maximum ROI.


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Are There Any Upsells?

After finishing the Property Options course, you have the option of attending the Conclave Property Development course. It is the next level of training with Mark Rolton.

This course teaches the nine development steps that provide knowledge on how to put together an Information Memorandum, how to close development and building approvals from the local authorities, which consultants to contact to enable this, how to create feasibility and building estimates, and so on.

Moreover, the Conclave Property Development course by Massland promises to deliver the tools that enable you to get out of and get rid of the risks from any deal. This is where Mark Rolton gives an opportunity to hang on with him one-on-one.

Conclave course costs you over $30,000, so think twice, if it is worth the investment based on your individual circumstances as a property investor or developer. If you are a full-time property investor or developer with passion in the property options method, yes, the Conclave may fit for your needs.

Massland Property Automatic Acquisition Plan

Massland proposes a refined, automated system that runs on a systematic approach that is meant to prove that the real estate will double in value in the following seven to ten years. (In our opinion, it is unlikely looking into last 10 year’s Australian property trends!)

The plan teaches its users to acquire two properties per year for the ten years to come. Since it is based on statistics, these 20 properties will most likely multiple in value within a decade, according to Mark and his team.

The method, then suggests you sell ten of the 20 pieces of real estate you bought initially to save on tax charges and to pay the debt created to acquire the other ten you keep with you.

Next, you will supposedly find yourself in a situation where you are the owner of ten properties without any debts and with a lifestyle that is paid by renting them.

Even though it might sound like a fairy tale, the Automatic Acquisition Plan could make sense to some. Massland delivers it together with a five-point checklist that the property should be analyzed through.

Massland promises to manage your rental properties too, where they usually charge more than the average property management fees.

Tip: Find out if Is It a Good Idea to Hire a Property Manager. Here is a Guide to Land Divisions, and a Guide to Safer Start in Real Estate Developments.

Is Mark Rolton a Fraud or a Scammer?

To simply answer this question – no. Mark Rolton is definitely a self-made millionaire, a charismatic speaker, and an inspiring person. To prove this, the financial authorities in Australia have not issued any warning related to the courses he proposes to local individuals.

Does he offer a guaranteed recipe for success? His approach surely makes sense, and the solutions he suggests may work.

But, just like anything else in life – except for death and taxes – Mark Rolton cannot guarantee your success. That’s simply because to attain financial success by using his method, you will need to put in a lot of hard work, determination and thoroughly learn the skills he teaches.

Investments are not for everyone, and that might just be the reason why not everyone has achieved financial freedom yet. They require a certain kind of mindset that often makes you think of being in the “trenches” as Mark Rolton himself likes to refer to the work that is being done.

Besides the winning mindset, it is required to put in many hours of work, to have a personal charisma, to learn all the negotiation skills the course is teaching you, and last but not least, to be willing to wait a few years until you see the returns.

Tip: Your writing skills plays a large role in the successful negotiation. Tools like WhiteSmoke, Ginger, Pro Writing Aid
and Grammarly can help you to an extent.

Things We Did Not Like About Mark Rolten’s Course

  • Some may find you are left alone after you joined Mark’s base cause. You will be left with DVDs and books where the Team provide you with minimal support for you.
  • You might feel that you have just become a ‘loop’ of a system created to make Mark Rolton richer.
  • The ethics behind some tactics used in ‘property options’ are debatable.
  • Mark Rolton sells you the properties he developed as a part of the above mentioned ‘Property Automatic Acquisition Plan’, which has a significant conflict of interest. More ethical ‘gurus’ like Dymphna Boholt openly criticise mark for this approach.
  • They can be very ‘pushy’ for you to buy their upsell, the Conclave Property Development course.
  • Mark Rolton will not sign a joint venture with you until he is convinced that property deal you take to him brings certain profits. Similarly, his team will show any value of you on the day you take an appealing deal to them. Until that say, arguably, you are a ‘time waster’ to them although you purchased their front-end-course.

The above comments from our own experience and based on real-world property options students who were enrolled in the course, after listening to Mark Rolton’s appealing ‘pitch’.

The Role of Zadel Property Education

Founded in 2007, Zadel Property Education Pty Ltd. is a wealth education organization based in Australia that offers free and paid workshops in all Australian major cities.

The CEO of Zadel Property Education is Stuard Zadel who has trained more than 50,000 students since 2007 in a live environment.

Zadel Property Education markets Mark Rolton’s educational programs by organising seminars across the entire country.

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Alternatives to Property Options by Mark Rolton

Surely, the most traditional alternative to Property Options by Mark Rolton is to invest in another property education depending on your experience in property investment or development.

The stock market can be an option, but it is more volatile but more cash-available if needed. This can be done through an independent financial advisor, a banker, a broker or even online. Property is, however, considered a safer investment because of the smaller volatility, which implies less risk.

Then, there is the Think and Grow Education training called Options Property Training that is available in Australia. It is put together by Ray Behan, a property strategist and educator. However, the client revisions on the Think and Grow Education and on its promoter are, though, less favorable than those for Mark Rolton and his course. Besides, it is obvious that you want to learn from someone who achieved a fortune in what he is teaching, isn’t it?

The education by Dymphna Boholt is an option is you are a beginner or investor invested without a long-term strategy.

Mark Rolton’s course promises to deliver knowledge on trading and profiting from property option investments (only), teaching you how to control a real estate for as little as $100 and then to sell it for a massive ROI, eight months of coaching with a professional coach, and so on. Remember, there are much more about gaining from real estate in addition to property options.

Tip: Here is a Guide to Land Divisions, and a Guide to Safer Start in Real Estate Developments.


The Property Options by Mark Rolton course is rated as a three out of five based on our experience. Its main advantages are that it is available to anyone, it is held by a self-made millionaire who made his fortune in the property development business and who might share his knowledge and experience specially if you can find a good property option deal for Massland’s staff to support you while you work with it.

The main disadvantages of it are that it is quite costly, less value for money, and there are also those lawyer fees that add to the initial investment that has to be made by the course graduate. As noted above under the ‘Things We Did Not Like About Mark Rolten’s Course’ there are much to look for.

All in all, the Property Options by Mark Rolton course is worth the investment for some if you have the right mindset, you are willing to put in hard work and if you are willing to wait a few years to see the return on investment (ROI) on to finding deals for Massland.

What is your opinion on it? Please let us know.

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